Cranio Sacral Therapy
A holistic way to improve your health!
Fabrizio Vitali
(CST-T, Somato Emotional Release, CST for Pediatrics,
CST around Death & Dying)
For Appointments & Queries call
The Natural Clinic,
23 Sullivan's Quay, Cork, T12 A2RH

The Ying & Yang expresses the constant ongoing balance and interrelation of body mind and spirit

the cranial and spinal nerves govern the totality of our body

an amazing close up of the cells that are part of our central nervous system

The Ying & Yang expresses the constant ongoing balance and interrelation of body mind and spirit

Conditions and symptoms addressed by CST:
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
Chronic Pain & Infections
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
Chronic Fatigue and Stress
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Depression and Emotional Trauma
Asthma and Sinus Issues
Sleepless and Crying Babies
Infant Colic and Constipation
Infant Reflux
Tongue Tie
(Misshapen Head) -
Hyperkinetic Kids
Infantile Disorders
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Speech and Language Impairments
Learning Impairments and Disabilities
Dyslexia and Dyspraxia
Cerebral Palsy
Eczema and Allergies
Hormone Imbalance
Central Nervous System Disorders
Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders
Neurovascular or Immune Disorders
Post-Surgical Dysfunctions
Welcome to Cranio Sacral Therapy Cork
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on treatment
that enhances relaxation, the functioning, balancing and well being
of our body, mind and spirit.
Physical and emotional trauma, whether resulting from an accident, fall, injury, or any other circumstance, can be addressed
and will benefit from this technique.
It is effective for all ages and doesn't interfere with other therapies or medications already in place.
CST is unique in supporting our own natural ability
of self healing the body and mind,
improving and balancing the functioning of the Central Nervous System,
releasing the effects of stress and tension, enhancing health
and strengthening the Immune System.